How you Can Connect Domain Name to Hosting Server?

How to connect domain name to hosting server

If you want to know how to set up the domain name to the hosting server then you should follow the right steps. Once the domain name is registered you have to connect to the hosting server. First of all, you have to choose a reliable hosting server. After that, you will be able to connect this website Before connected, you need to check out all the features of the hosting server it provides security support or a better network operating system or not.

All these facts can help to find the reliable hosting server or you will be able to connect to the domain name. Undoubtedly, you can connect the domain name to the server for hosting in a few minutes when following all these mentioned steps.

First of all, you have to get a hosting plan

First of all, you have to get a hosting plan

It is mentioned to get hosting a home plan with a reliable company. You can get reliable web hosting before register. When the domain is registered with a reliable company then you can easily do the account in the following way.

 You have to sign in to the account
 Select the list of the domain from the left sidebar or click the manage button next choose the domain.
 Find the name server section or select the web hosting DNS from the menu.
 After that, you have to use the checkmark icon to save all the changes.
 In case to purchase the hosting plan, it is required to point the domain reseller or private name server. When the domain is registered with another Registrar you need to obtain the correct name service.
 Once the names are changed the website will not be available because in most cases it can take up to 24 hours. Unfortunately, the process is influenced by the automatic nature.

You can connect on your own server also

You can connect on your own server also

How to connect domain name to hosting server? When you have on hosting service then you have to know the IP address or you can set up the record for your domain to connect from the server. Additionally, some of the hosting providers give the IP address that you can use for the domain or connect to the hosting plan. A record is created in all these cases as well.

 After signing into the account there is a need to choose the domain list or click on the manage icon. Now you can switch to the advanced it DNS tab.
 You have to find all the host record section or click on the new record button it means that the domain is not using.
 You have to select a record for the type or enter the host you can point to.
 After that, you need to enter the IP address of the hosting server into the value field.
 You have to leave the TTL or choose the custom value from the dropdown menu.
 Once all the details are mentioned who save them to save the changes on the green icon.

You have to follow the steps in procedure wise to connect the domain name to the hosting server.